Chelsea Roth

Chelsea is passionate about helping people achieve their best health and wellness through tailored treatments. The versatility of acupuncture and its complementary modalities allows her to treat the whole person: body, mind, and spirit.
Chelsea graduated from the Acupuncture program at MacEwan University in 2015. At the end of her final year, she interned at the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine - allowing her to see acupuncture and herbal medicine used in a hospital setting. Observing the sheer number of people that the doctors treated every day, using a variety of Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, was an eye-opening experience.
After graduating and completing her professional exams, Chelsea volunteered as an acupuncturist in Nepal for two months. As part of the Nepal Pain Relief foundation, and together with a local Wellness Hospital, she and her teammates treated people in remote villages that had been affected by the 2015 earthquake. They provided healthcare services to many villagers, some of whom had never seen a doctor.
Chelsea has continued to expand her education in the use of essential oils and herbal supplements as well as women's health and postpartum care. She has also completed courses in Sports Medicine Acupuncture to employ different needling methods, including intra-muscular stimulation (IMS), into motor points to help treat muscle imbalances, sprains, and strains.
Chelsea is registered with the College of Acupuncturists of Alberta, and is currently operating at clinics in Beaumont and Edmonton AB.